Beth K. Haile, 35, died November 6, 2019 in Waterloo, Iowa. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor several years ago. She was surrounded by her husband Scott, 4 children, and friends.
Beth taught in the Theology Department at Carroll College. She was a valued colleague and gifted teacher who left an indelible imprint on her students. Many describe her moral theology course as their favorite class. Up until shortly before her death, she retained the qualities that made her special to so many: generous, humorous, thoughtful, insightful, and opinionated (in the best kind of manner). She will be missed by many.
She contributed a chapter in the recently-published Naming Our Sins: How Recognizing the Seven Deadly Vices Can Renew the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Beth wrote the chapter on gluttony, drawing on her important dissertation tackling the complex subject of eating disorders in our culture. The chapter also reflects Beth’s great gift for combining theological insight with pastoral acumen, always with great touches of humor from everyday life.
Beth has PhD in Moral Theology from Boston College. Her dissertation applied the concept of intellectual habits and "connatural knowledge" to the problem of eating and body image disorders. Her interests include Thomas Aquinas, natural law, virtue ethics, healthcare, and bioethics.