Global Research in Ethics (formerly Global Scholars Program)

The SCE invites proposals to bring scholars from the Global South to the SCE annual meeting, with travel, accommodations and food at the SCE meetings paid for by the SCE’s International Speakers Fund (ISF). The Global Scholars Program includes a presentation at the SCE meetings as well as on-campus lectures by the visiting scholar immediately after the SCE meetings.

Participating campuses will schedule a public lecture by the visiting scholar and in turn face these expectations: cover the cost of airfare from the SCE conference site (or from the previous campus), cover all the ordinary costs of a lecture on campus (including an honorarium for the speaker typical for that campus), and a contribute to the ISF to help defray the costs of international travel (which helps replenish the ISF so this process can continue). The size of contribution requested is $500-1000.

Here is the sequence of events describing a successful application for the January Annual meeting:

  1. Submit a proposal that includes a visiting scholar to the SCE annual meeting.
  2. At the March Program Committee meeting, the most promising such proposal is approved, conditionally reserving a slot on the program for the next annual meeting, and conditionally approving financing for travel, accommodations, and meals. The condition is that you, the organizer, will arrange for a few (ideally 3 or 4) on-campus lectures for the visiting scholar at various campuses in the US or Canada before and/or after the SCE Annual Meeting.
  3. Upon receiving conditional approval, you work in Fall (more than a year ahead of time) to arrange on-campus lectures for the visiting scholar. You are encouraged to advertise this possibility by email circulated by the SCE to the membership. You finish this work in January, one year ahead of the SCE Annual Meeting, and send your plans to the International Speakers Fund Committee for approval.
  4. In February (ten months before the January Annual Meeting) the International Speakers Fund Committee receives your plans and, presuming you have made the required arrangements, informs the Program Committee that funding is now guaranteed.
  5. In March  (nine months before the January Annual Meeting) the Program Committee assigns an appropriate time slot for the visiting scholar to make his or her presentation.
  6. During the spring or summer, you finalize all plans, oversee the purchase of plane tickets for all stops in the visiting scholar’s itinerary, and attend to any other details.
  7. You act as coordinator of arrangements during the scholar’s time in the US.

Preference for funding from the International Speakers Fund goes to scholars from underrepresented groups and from institutions where limited resources restrict international travel.