Articles IV-V: Meetings and Officers



The Society shall hold an Annual Meeting at a time and place to be determined by the Board of Directors or its Executive Committee (see Article VI), for the reading and discussing of scholarly papers, election of officers, and the conduct of the Society's official business. A quorum for conducting business at the Annual Meeting shall consist of a number of members equal to ten percent (10%) of the membership in the Society at the time of the Annual Meeting.



The Officers of the Society are the President, the President Elect, the Vice President (who shall serve as Secretary)the Past President, and the Treasurer. Together, the President, the President Elect, the Vice President and the Past President shall constitute the Presidential Cabinet of the Society.

Section 1President

The President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the presidency and shall serve for a term of one year commencing with the adjournment of the Annual Business Meeting of the Society. The President shall preside at the Annual Meeting and at the meetings of the Board of Directors, and shall receive, together with the Board, reports from the administrative staff and shall have and exercise such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board. The President shall customarily deliver a "Presidential Address" to the membership at the Annual Meeting.

Section 2President Elect

The Vice President shall automatically succeed to the office of President Elect and shall serve for a term of one year commencing with the adjournment of the Annual Business Meeting of the Society. The President Elect shall be present at the Annual Meeting and at the meetings of the Board of Directors, shall receive, together with the Board, reports from the administrative staff and shall have and exercise such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board.

Section 3. Vice President

The Vice President shall serve for a term of one year commencing with the adjournment of the Annual Business Meeting of the Society. The Vice President shall be elected by a majority vote of members present and voting at the Annual Meeting of the Society. The Vice President shall be present at the Annual Meeting and at the meetings of the Board of Directors, shall receive, together with the Board, reports from the administrative staff and shall have and exercise such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board. The Vice President shall serve as the Secretary of the Society and shall have the responsibility of preparing the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Past President

After serving out the term, the retiring President shall automatically become Past President and serve as a member of the Board of Directors for a one-year term.

Section 5. Succession of Officers

At the close of the annual business meeting, the President becomes Past President, the President elect becomes President, the Vice President becomes President Elect, and a newly elected Vice President assumes office.

In the event of the temporary incapacity of an officer, the officer who is next in line for that office shall temporarily assume the duties of that office.

In the event of an incapacity lasting more than five months or coinciding with an annual meeting of the Society, or in the event of the resignation or death of an officer in the period between annual meetings, the following pattern of succession shall prevail:

  • If the President is unable to serve, the President Elect becomes Acting President until the subsequent annual meeting.  While the President Elect is serving as Acting President, the office of President Elect remains vacant.  At the subsequent annual meeting the Acting President assumes the office of President at the close of the annual meeting, the Vice President becomes President Elect, and a newly elected Vice President assumes office.
  • If the President Elect is unable to serve, the Vice President becomes President Elect until the subsequent annual meeting.  When the Vice President assumes the office of President Elect under such circumstances, the office of Vice President remains vacant.  The President Elect succeeds to the presidency at the next annual meeting, and the membership present and voting at the annual meeting will elect both a President Elect and a Vice-President.
  • If the Vice President is unable to serve, the office shall remain vacant until the next Annual Meeting, at which both a Vice President and a president Elect will be elected.  In the event and for the period that the Vice President is unable to act as secretary, the President Elect shall assume and perform the functions of the secretarial office.
  • If the Past President is unable to serve, the office shall remain vacant until the current President succeeds to it at the end of her or his one-year presidential term.

During any period when the Presidential Cabinet comprises fewer than four members, the cabinet may redistribute duties as needed and may call upon senior members of the Board of Directors to assist.

Section 6. Staff

The Board, in consultation with the Presidential Cabinet, is empowered to hire staff for the administration of the Society.  The Board shall present any substantial change to the society’s administrative structure to the membership for approval at the annual meeting. 

Section 7. Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.  The Treasurer is responsible for ensuring an annual independent review of the financial accounts, investments, and records of the Society kept by management. At least annually, and as requested, the Treasurer will provide the Board of Directors with a copy and an interpretation of this review, as well as an assessment of management’s recommendations regarding our investments and other financial matters. The Treasurer shall oversee management’s preparation of financial reports and of all the filings required by the State of Tennessee, the Internal Revenue Service, and other government agencies. As requested by the Board and/or Executive Committee, the Treasurer attends Board and Executive Committee meetings, with voice but no vote.

‹ By-Laws